- Follow the steps for Force or RFD above as necessary.
- If you are looking to perform isometric training at a given % of an athlete's maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC), we would advise utilising the force configuration.
- When in the “Measure” tab, click on the large horizontal bar in the middle of the software interface.
- Locate the left hand side of the screen, open the side window, and amend your maximum and minimum thresholds to match the desired MVIC.
- We would advise setting a bandwidth of ± 5% as a realistic window for the athlete to aim to maintain whilst pushing at the prescribed intensity.
Data handling
Click here to watch a video demonstration of the Force configuration analysis.
Click here to watch a video demonstration of the RFD configuration analysis.
- As outlined above, “arm” begins your recordings, and “stop” ends them. These files will be saved automatically in your designated folder.
- To change the folder in which your files are saved, please refer to the “Choosing your data export file locations” resource.
- After completing a profiling or training session, you are able to view your recording retrospectively in the “Analyse” tab.
- Click “review” and explore the zoom in and out functions to look more closely into the force-time curves.

- Click and drag to highlight a specific area, followed by a single click to zoom in. A right click or “two finger tap” will zoom back out to the previous view.
- For ease of access and data handling, we would recommend for you to insert your profiling metrics into either your own or our template testing spreadsheet. To download our template testing spreadsheet click here.
- We would advise capturing peak force, and average rate of force development (0-250 ms) metrics for your future usage. These metrics are scientifically proven as highly reliable and valid within the current setup and are of greatest use and application to practitioners.
- To view our current reliability statistics for each HEB metric, please click here.